Sketching for Environments
castle silhouette ideation

castle silhouette ideation

Malibu Creek Park field sketch

Malibu Creek Park field sketch

Malibu Creek Park field sketch

Malibu Creek Park field sketch

Malibu Creek Park field sketch

Malibu Creek Park field sketch

Frame studies - graphic composition

Frame studies - graphic composition

Temple concept

Temple concept

Temple concept

Temple concept

Temple concept

Temple concept

Huntington Botanical Gardens - Chinese Garden field sketch

Huntington Botanical Gardens - Chinese Garden field sketch

Huntington Botanical Gardens - Chinese Garden field sketch

Huntington Botanical Gardens - Chinese Garden field sketch

Huntington Botanical Gardens - Chinese Garden field sketch

Huntington Botanical Gardens - Chinese Garden field sketch

Huntington Botanical Gardens - Chinese Garden field sketch

Huntington Botanical Gardens - Chinese Garden field sketch

Union Station field sketch

Union Station field sketch

Downtown Los Angeles field sketch

Downtown Los Angeles field sketch

Downtown Los Angeles field sketch

Downtown Los Angeles field sketch

Comic Con 2017 Bar field sketch

Comic Con 2017 Bar field sketch

Sketching for Environments

Sketches around Los Angeles and some Visual Development done recently in both tradtional and digital.