Pulse book cover

Pulse book cover

Mei promo poster

Mei promo poster

Pulse Log Line

Pulse Log Line

Pulse Synopsis

Pulse Synopsis

Herschel Explorations

Herschel Explorations

Herschel - Callouts

Herschel - Callouts

Herschel - Customizable Limbs

Herschel - Customizable Limbs

Herschel - Functions

Herschel - Functions

Mei - Explorations

Mei - Explorations

Herschel Painting

Herschel Painting

Mei Callouts

Mei Callouts

Mei Facial Expressions

Mei Facial Expressions

Mei Painting

Mei Painting

Kurog Explorations

Kurog Explorations

Kurog Colors

Kurog Colors

Kurog Functions

Kurog Functions

Kurog Painting

Kurog Painting

Character Line-Up

Character Line-Up



 Cryopod and Batteries

Cryopod and Batteries

Environment Thumbs 1

Environment Thumbs 1

Environment Thumbs 2

Environment Thumbs 2

Environment Thumbs 3

Environment Thumbs 3

Environment Thumbs 4

Environment Thumbs 4

Environment Cut Out

Environment Cut Out

Environment Design - Post Apocalyptic Venice

Environment Design - Post Apocalyptic Venice

Organic solar power transforming generator

Organic solar power transforming generator

Post Apocalyptic Venetian canal

Post Apocalyptic Venetian canal

Secret Chamber shaft

Secret Chamber shaft

Kitbash technique

Kitbash technique

Pulse Promo Art

Pulse Promo Art

Painting Process

Painting Process


Pulse is a personal IP development project.

Log Line:
A military droid and an amnesia-stricken scientist battle creatures across the remains of post-apocalyptic Venice for the one thing that stirs the pulse of all beings: power.

There will be more to come!

The book is available on Kindle here:

More artwork